Ace Tv personality and actress Grace Omaboe widely known as Maame Dokono has disclosed that one of her biggest regrets in life was parting ways with her first husband. Speaking on the Delay show, the actress explains that the colossal part of their break up was her fault, as she didn't understand the essence of marriage by then and also her pride, she allows her popularity and the name "Maame Dokono" to eat so much into her brains and unfortunately the families called it a quit. "If i knew my last marriage will be like this, i would have stayed with my ex husband. I regret because considering this new marriage, i would have been better off if i stayed with my ex.Family issues broke my marriage and i was boastful too because am "Maame Dokono" , oh Delay, i always tell myself if i had understood marriage like i did now, i wouldn't have left him. That was one of my biggest regrets in life and he knew i have regretted too, we were very close, ...
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